Basketball is one of the most popular sports in the world, and it’s not just the game that’s entertaining, but the jokes that come along with it. From witty one-liners to humorous anecdotes, basketball jokes are a hit among fans of the sport. Prepare yourself for the funniest time, because we will explore some of the best jokes about basketball, covering everything from general jokes to specific ones about Duke basketball. Whether you’re a die-hard fan or just someone who enjoys a good laugh, these jokes are sure to put a smile on your face. So, sit back, relax, and get ready to enjoy some hilarious basketball jokes!

Let’s start with some general basketball jokes that are bound to make you laugh.
- Basketball players always know how to stay in shape – they’re always running around in circles!
- Why did the basketball player go to the doctor? Because he had hoops!
- What’s a basketball player’s favorite type of music? Anything with a good beat that they can dribble to!
- What do you call a basketball player who can’t score? A rebounder!

Now let’s focus on some funny jokes about Duke basketball.
- Why did the Duke basketball team go to the bank? To get their quarter back!
- How many Duke basketball players does it take to change a lightbulb? Just one, but he gets 3 points for it!
- Why did the Duke basketball player wear two jackets to practice? Because he heard the coach say to put on a zone!
- How does a Duke basketball player change a lightbulb? He holds it up and the world revolves around him!
- Why did the Duke basketball player go to the bank with a clock? To get his time-out!
- Why did the Duke basketball player take a ladder onto the court? He wanted to reach the high points!

Moving on, we have some more specific basketball jokes.
- Why did the basketball player wear his headphones during the game? Because he wanted to dribble bass!
- Why do basketball players always have cold hands? Because they’re always playing with ice on the court!
- Why did the basketball coach go to the bank? To get his team some change!
- What do you call a basketball player who can’t shoot? A pass-enger!
- Why did the basketball player take a hotdog onto the court? He wanted to shoot a jump-mustard!
- What did the basketball player say when he got a job at the bank? “I’m really good at making withdrawals!”
Last but not least, we have some funny jokes about basketball that are sure to tickle your funny bone.
- What do you call a basketball game between ducks? A quackdown!
- What do you call a basketball team of cows? The dairy-air!
- What did the basketball coach say when the player brought a rope onto the court? “We don’t need any more ties!”
- Why did the basketball player wear a belt to the game? Because he wanted to hold up his shorts!
- What do you call a basketball team made up of dogs? The slam-dunks!
- Why did the basketball player always bring a deck of cards to the game? He wanted to shoot some “four-pointers”!
- What do you call a basketball team made up of firefighters? The hoop and ladders!
- Why did the basketball player take a broom onto the court? He wanted to sweep the competition!
- What do you call a basketball game between cats? A furball!
Now, it’s time for basketball puns! Basketball puns are a fun way to add some humor to the game. From clever wordplay to silly jokes, these puns are sure to make you laugh. Whether you’re a fan of the sport or just looking for a good laugh, these puns are bound to entertain you. Let’s take a look at some of the most creative and hilarious basketball puns out there!
- What did the basketball say to the hoop? “Nothing but net!”
- Why did the basketball player bring string to the game? He wanted to tie the score!
- What do you call a basketball player who can’t pass? A ball hog!
- Why did the basketball coach go to jail? He got caught dribbling!
- What do you call a basketball team made up of mathematicians? The “calculus slam-dunks”!
- What do you call a basketball player who’s always in a hurry? A “fast-break”!
- Why did the basketball player get a job at the mattress factory? He was great at shooting “lay-ups”!
- What do you call a basketball team that can’t stop sneezing? The “choo-choo train”!